Are you interested in learning more about the Drentsche Patrijshond? Do you currently own a Drent or plan to get one soon? Would you support an organization that strives to produce an ideal gun dog without neglecting the physical traits or temperament that characterize the breed?
If you can answer yes to any of these questions, you should consider applying to be a member of the Drentsche Patrijshond Club of America (DPCA). The DPCA is a small but rapidly-growing breed club that is dedicated to promoting the Drent as a premier versatile gun dog breed in North America. For more information about the club, please visit (About the DPCA) page on this site.
There are several benefits to becoming a DPCA member. The first and foremost being the feeling that you are supporting one of the most talented and beautiful of all sporting dog breeds. By becoming a member, you will also have the opportunity to meet and speak with other Drent owners. Each member of the DPCA will receive a directory with names and contact information of every other member in North America. This information will allow you to find a training partner nearby, or just have a list of people to turn to if you ever have any questions about your Drent.
Another benefit to becoming a DPCA member is that you will receive our bi-annual newsletter. The newsletter contains important information about news and events, as well as scores and results from tests and breed shows. You will also be able to read about other Drent owners and their dogs. The newsletter contains useful training articles and interesting insight into our relatively unknown breed. And finally, each member of the DPCA gets exclusive access to DPCA merchandise such as stickers, shirts, hats, and more. We offer two types of membership, single and family. Family memberships include each member of the household (including all children under the age of 18). Each family member is eligible to handle a Drent in DPCA events or run for office, however each family membership only has 2 votes for official club business.